Installing Components
Installing the Lowcodera Component Packages.
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Installing the Lowcodera Component Packages.
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After downloading the lowcodera component solution packages, we need to install the components to your Power Apps Environment.
To start the installation, we first to need to make sure the Power Apps Component feature is enabled on your Power Apps environment.
As a Power Platform Admin, you need to turn on the Power Apps Component feature.
Select the Power Platform Environment and click on Settings.
Expand Product and select Features.
Make sure, Power Apps component framework for canvas apps is turned on. Click on Save.
Once we enable Power Apps Component feature, we need to Import the Solution Package. To import the packages, you need to have the permissions of the Environment Admin Role.
From the left navigation, click on Solutions and click on Import from top ribbon.
Click on Browse
Navigate to the folder location of where you downloaded the solution packages
Select the Lowcodera UI Components zip file
Press Next.
Click on Import.
The importing process will take up to 5 Minutes. Once it is imported, you should see a success message.
Repeat the steps above to import the lowcodera Data Visualization solution package.