Horizontal Navbar

Lowcodera Horizontal Navigation Bar Component


The lowcodera horizontal navigation bar provides a quick and elegant solution to one of the most common UI requirements within an app. Our component supports rich styling options, icons, dynamic data binding, and multilevel item nesting.


‌There are several variations of navigation bar with different colors and configuration properties.

​Working with Data

‌The data format for the navigation bar is simple and easy to configure.

Note: Make sure Navigation Component you are adding on the screen is reordered with the "Bring to Front" option.

In this example, a collection with static data called globalNav is defined in the Power App. The items property of the navigation bar component is then bound to this collection.

        type: "DropDown",
        title: "Employee Corner",
        icon: "object-group",
        key: "ec",
        dropDown: ForAll([
                type: "Action",
                title: "Log Timesheet",
                key: "logtimesheet"
                type: "Action",
                title: "Apply Leave",
                key: "leave"
                type: "Action",
                title: "My Projects",
                key: "projects"
        ], {Value: ThisRecord})
        type: "DropDown",
        title: "HR Corner",
        icon: "chart-area",
        key: "hrcorner",
        containerIdentifier: "contactConainer",
        height: 150,
        direction: "bottom-start",
        dropDown: ForAll([
                type: "Action",
                title: "HR Policies",
                key: "policies"
                type: "Action",
                title: "TimeSheet",
                key: "timesheet"
                type: "Action",
                title: "Leave Approval",
                key: "approval"
                type: "Action",
                title: "Notifications",
                key: "notification"
        ], {Value: ThisRecord})
        type: "Action",
        icon: "cog",
        key: "settings",
        title: "Settings"
        type: "Action",
        key: "user",
        icon: "user-circle",
        title: "User"

The above code snippet will generate the following navigation bar.

Component Properties

The properties below are the main ones which change this components appearance and behaviors.


We need to add the following collection.

        type: "Action",
        icon: "bell",
        key: "Option1",
        title: "Item 1"
        type: "Action",
        title: "Item 2",
        key: "Option2",
        icon: "share-square"
        type: "Action",
        title: "Item 3",
        icon: "user-circle",
        key: "Option3"

Last updated